Daryl Wislang last year claimed the title of Volvo Ocean Race. And in Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (SHYR) he managed to finish in the line of honours.

The ambition of Wislang this year is also the same, now for the dash starting from Sydney to Hobart through the Bass Strait, he jumped on the board Comanche, which is starting today. It is the same boat he won in the year 2015 when he won the Sydney Hobart. It happened just a few months after claiming the title of Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) with Dongfeng Race Team (DRT). The race took place year says Comanche taking the line of honours once again, although his rivals Wild Oats XI got the penalty of one-hour for the incident of port-starboard with Comanche at the beginning of the and probably this pair will again do it when the race will start.
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